Feb. 2, 2017–Jan Carolyn Hardy–What I wish I’d known about old age, but was too young and oblivious to ask.

Jan Carolyn Hardy is an active advocator in Alaska for elders and minority groups. As a community activist, she serves on the board for OPAG (Older Persons Action Group) and contributes to the Senior Voice newspaper. She is an executive board member and secretary for AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO), Local 52 Retirees, and serves in the membership of the Central Labor Council.

Jan Carolyn is an active member of SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders) and is a full-time real-estate licensee in Alaska. She appreciates being available to assist elders in determining whether they can remain in their homes safely and advising them if changes are needed in order to create a safe and comfortable environment.

Jan Carolyn holds a B.A. of Liberal Arts in Linguistics, an M.A. in Educational  Administration, an M.S. in Counseling and Guidance, and M.Msc. in Theology.

Jan Carolyn Hardy

Jan Carolyn Hardy