
What is the Alaska Professional Communicators Memorial Scholarship?

In 1981, our organization decided we wanted to do something to help people in Alaska pursue their education in our field. The $2,000 scholarship is given in May, so students can plan on the money for the fall semester.

“Memorial” means the scholarship is presented in memory of Alaska Professional Communicators (formerly Alaska Press Women) members who have died, such as Betzi Woodman, Kay Kennedy, Phyllis Carlson, Jimmy Bedford, Chris McClain, Jo Ann Wold, Natalie Gottstein, Elizabeth Plank, Suzan Nightingale, John Killoran, Bea Rose, Nancy Cain Schmidt, Beth Leffingwell, and Carol Phillips. Their spirit lives on in our scholarship winners.

How do I apply?

The scholarship coordinator is Connie Huff 907-240-1042

What is the next application deadline?

Applications must arrive by April 4 of each year.

What are you looking for in a candidate?

  • We are looking for currently enrolled college students with promise in journalism or public communications fields, and the likelihood that the student will enter these fields.
  • The scholarship has usually been given to a student beyond freshman year, since often it is difficult to focus on a professional goal when beginning a college education.
  • This scholarship is not for high school students.
  • We are seeking  a student who truly needs the scholarship – a student to whom the money would make a real difference.
  • We are looking for a student who is progressing well scholastically. Grades are NOT the primary consideration. Subjective evaluations by the student’s instructors or employers are more important.
  • The scholarship is open to men and women students majoring in any phase of public communications, including journalism, public relations, advertising, radio/television, video, and print.
  • We would consider someone majoring in a field other than public communications who is fairly certain of entering the media profession. We do not limit the scholarship to women.
  • If you have won or competed for this scholarship in the past and are still an undergraduate student, you are welcome to compete again.

What do I submit?

  1. A resume, listing professional and extracurricular job experience. State your scholastic level (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior) and your expected date of graduation.
  2. A complete college transcript, containing all college work whether in Alaska or elsewhere.
  3. A statement written by you, presenting your career goals and explaining why you desire the scholarship.
  4. At least one letter of recommendation from a person (or people) who know you and your work.
  5. Up to three samples of your work, preferably published or produced (newspaper stories, ads, documented PR campaigns, video tapes, web pages, radio or television programs on tape). (The samples are considered optional but will enhance your application.)
  6. Scholarship Application Form

Scholarship Winners

History of Scholarships as of October 2011

History of Scholarships as of 2001

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