Each year, along with the election of officers, APC accepts nominees for the Betzi Woodman Spark Plug Award. The board elects a winner from that year’s nominees. The award is for a member who energized APC throughout the year, displaying good organizational skills and motivating others to act on behalf of APC. (List of all awardees below.)

Thetus Smith (r), Email Express Editor, receives 2014 Spark Plug award from Diane Walters, immediate past-president
- 2022 Judy Griffin
- 2021 Sherrie Simmonds
- 2019 Alissa Oder
- 2018 MaryLee Hayes and Carolyn Rinehart
- 2017 Not awarded
- 2016 Lizzie Newell & Pat Richardson
- 2015 MaryLee Hayes
- 2014 Thetus Smith
- 2013 Elise Patkotak
- 2012 Not awarded
- 2011 Kay Vreeland
- 2010 Joan Harris
- 2009 Carolyn Rinehart & Doris Thomas
- 2008 Sonya Senkowsky
- 2007 Sherrie Simmonds
- 2006 Carolyn Rinehart & Connie Huff
- 2005 Elise Patkotak
- 2004 Tina Adair
- 2003 Thetus Smith
- 2002 Diane Walters & Mariah Oxford
- 2001 Karen L. Lew
- 2000 Dalene Perrigo
- 1999 Doris Thomas
- 1998 Carolyn Rinehart
- 1997 Doris Thomas
- 1996 Asta Corley
- 1995 Andrea Veach
- 1994 Francine Taylor
- 1993 Gloria Maschmeyer & Melinda Taylor
- 1992 Jan Ingram & Ella Wright
- 1991 Ella Wright & Jeanne Johnson
- 1990 Nancy Cain Schmitt & Gloria Maschmeyer
- 1989 Naomi Klouda
- 1988
- 1987 Carolyn Rinehart
- 1986 Mae Martin
- 1985 Betzi Woodman & Carolyn Rinehart
- 1984 Pat Richardson
- 1983 Pat Richardson
- 1982 Becky Pfanner (Parker)
- 1981 Kathy Walker
- 1980 Nona McVicker
- 1979 Beverly Ward
- 1978 Dianne Barske
- 1977 Betzi Woodman
- 1976 Phyllis Carlson
- 1975 Martha Chastain