After decades of work as a public and homeschool teacher, and working in business and federal government sectors, Alaskan author, Bonnye Matthews, experienced a life-changing event in 1988. No longer able to work; instead, she was expected to die. Knowing she had work to do, Matthews decided to write with an aim to prevent or reduce the hazards that changed her life. Her books on chemical poisoning let her hear from nine readers, each of whom told her the book prevented their plans to commit suicide.
In 2005, she moved to Alaska. She took an Alaska History class. Her fascination with who were the first Americans grew. Matthews continued to research while she wrote the Winds of Change five-volume novel series followed by a three-volume novella series and a tiny non-fiction booklet with a focus on her paradigm. All of her prehistoric novels and novellas were published between 2012 and 2018. Each of those is an award-winner at state or national levels. Needing a change of pace, Matthews shifted to write Arctic Dinosaurs which has already received an award and is entered in other contests. The first draft of Sanctuary: In His Pocket is just finished and has moved to the beta reader phase. She says, “It’s the hardest job I ever had.”