Sept. 3, 2020 — Issa Spatrisano — Building Bridges for Cross Cultural Understanding with Refugee Populations (on Zoom)

Spatrisano is the Program Director and State Refugee Coordinator at the Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services (RAIS) program of Catholic Social Service in Alaska. During a career spanning more than 8 years in refugee resettlement, she has served in a variety of roles, including case management, reception and placement, education, and employment services. Spatrisano has assisted forced migrant communities in Alaska, Missouri, Oregon, and Kansas, allowing her to bring a broader perspective to refugee services in both an urban and rural setting.

Spatrisano has served on national advisory councils for refugee education and her teaching was featured in the Center for Applied Linguistics “Cultural Orientation Training: A Guide for Service Providers” video. Spatrisano holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and a Master of Education degree in Teaching and Learning from the University of Alaska Anchorage. Through her teaching and resettlement experience, Spatrisano has assisted clients from more than 65 countries. Contact Spatrisano

Issa Spatrisano

Issa Spatrisano