Dr. John Tichotsky is a professional economist, who has worked as an academic, entrepreneur, policy and political advisor, and analyst. He specializes in the financing and economics of wealth management and natural resource development in Alaska, Northeast Asia, Europe and Central Asia. John Tichotsky’s experience includes working as an international advisor and consultant for Roman Abramovich (Sibneft, Evraz) on Chukotka-US issues (oil and gas, electricity, whale quotas, governmental relations), and as an expert on Northeast Asian energy issues. Until recently, John was the Chief Economist and Advisor to the Alaska Governor and is now with the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation. He also worked as the Chief Economist and Audit Master for the State of Alaska’s Department of Revenue, where he led a group of economists that provide the State of Alaska with a revenue forecast and policy advice on all of Alaska’s economic activities, especially investment and petroleum revenue. He introduced decision science, including probabilistic modeling, as the backbone of the group’s work. John Tichotsky has worked extensively with indigenous communities in Alaska, Russia, and Mongolia. He is married to Mary Core, and has two daughters, Mara and Annie, ages nine and thirteen. The entire family likes winter sports, especially skijoring, and his thirteen-year-old recently competed as a junior dog musher.