APC is now accepting entries for the 2015 Alaska Professional Communicators’ Communications Contest electronically through the NFPW website.
Once you are on the contest Welcome (login) page, click the white REGISTER link in the upper left corner of the contest site, you will get an entrant form that prompts entrants to select “member” or “non-member” status and the name of the affiliate (including at-large) whose contest they are entering. Those selections will put you into the correct affiliate contest. All directions needed to enter the contest are contained in the pages of the contest site. But if you have questions or need help entering, click the FAQ or Contact Us tabs on the contest navigation bar.
The entry deadline is Monday, February 9. For work that must be submitted in hard-copy format, the entry deadline is Monday, February 2. The contest is open to both members and nonmembers of APC.