Kay Kennedy Gold Nugget & Betzi Woodman Spark Plug Awards (History)

Compiled in 2001 by Pat Richardson, Historian

Alaska Press Women has honored its members in a number of ways during its 38 years. The Gold Nugget award was created in the 1960s to recognize outstanding professional achievement.

Then, in 1975, Martha Chastain received a corsage for long and faithful service as treasurer. The next year APW named the award the Spark Plug. The corsage was replaced with a gold painted spark plug in a frame. The first officially named Spark Plug award was given to Phyllis Carlson, charter member who served as historian for more than 30 years.

After Betzi Woodman died in an automobile crash in 1990, the spark-plug award was renamed the Betzi Woodman Spark Plug award.

When Kay Kennedy died of cancer in 1993 at age 87, the “gold nugget award” was renamed the Kay Kennedy Gold Nugget Award.

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